I am one of the main developers of CosmoLattice: a publicly available code for lattice simulations of non-linear field dynamics in the early universe [the main developers are D. Figueroa, A. Florio, F. Torrenti and originally W. Valkenburg]. The current version of the code can simulate scalar fields, Abelian and non-Abelian gauge fields, and gravitational waves (tensor perturbations) in an expanding universe (either self-consistently via the Friedmann equations or for a fixed equation of state).

The code is currently being used by different research groups around the globe. An updated list of papers that have used CosmoLattice can be found at here.

On September 2022, we organized at Valencia (Spain) the in-person CosmoLattice School 2022. We had 50 participants from 12 different countries. An online school is planned for Summer 2023. Moreover, I have been a lecturer at the ‘YETI 2022: Phenomenology in the Sky PhD school at Durham U. (UK) on the topic of CosmoLattice.

I am also a co-author of the “The Art of Simulating the Early Universe” (JCAP’21), a ~100 page review/dissertation on real-time lattice techniques in an expanding universe, which constitutes the theoretical basis of the code. Documentation also includes an extensive user manual (arXiv:2102.01031; summary paper: Comput.Phys.Commun. 283 (2023) 108586).

More information can be found at the CosmoLattice website.

Giving a workshop on CosmoLattice at YETI 2022, Durham